In order to run workloads that are either time-dependent (cronjobs) or event-driven (asynchronous data processing), it would be much better to have a cluster that is always on. if I shut down my laptop, the local cluster shuts down too). These are all good options for aiding in the development process, but all suffer from the fact that they are tied to the power status of the system they are running on (i.e. There are a variety of options for running Kubernetes locally including: Minikube, Docker Desktop, and Microk8s. However, with many layers of abstraction and non-trivial costs to run even the smallest cloud-based cluster, the barriers to entry for an individual who wants to familiarize themselves with Kubernetes can be quite high. Over the past five years, Kubernetes (k8s) has risen to become the defacto standard for managing container orchestration at scale. 5) (Optional) Use DDNS + Router Port Forwarding to Access Outside Local Network.kube/config on the Client to Point to the Server 3) Add port forwarding rule from the Server System to the Minikube VM.2) Install kubectl on the Client System.